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Saturday 20th May, 2023


Proteaceae Family. 
Greetings, it's Cecilia here. Lloyd is taking a well-deserved break this week, so I'll be taking care of the newsletter.
After spending some time visiting relatives in Chile, I'm back at the nursery. Unfortunately, the pandemic kept us apart for a long time, but it was great to see my family again. 
Back at the nursery, I've been busy adding pots to the system and organizing roses for the new season.  Everything is ready, dates coordinated with suppliers, confirmed roses, and printed labels. 
This year you will be able to find all the Top roses of the moment, renegade, Ink Spot, Attention Seeker, Infinity, Pure & Simple, Grandma Rose, Dame Judi Dench  and many more (23,400 to be more exact).
I'm also working on increasing our social media presence and would love to reach 10k followers on Facebook. (If you want to join us click the following link). Currently, we have 7.1k followers. I will continue uploading Interesting facts, special prices, new arrivals and more.... Wairere Nursery Facebook.

New arrivals!!
This week are part of the Proteaceae family, these can be found in Australia, tropical Africa and South America, with Australia having the highest diversity of over 800 species. This family includes woody trees and shrubs with small, dense, and often showy flowers.
The name "protea" comes from Greek mythology, depicting the variety of plants in this family.
These species require full sun and prefer sandy, rocky, acidic, low-nutrient soils. They're also phosphorus intolerant and should not be fertilized. Tip pruning or light pruning when the plant is young is recommended to prolong their life and improve their shape.
The family is represented in Tropical Africa for Protea, Leucadendron and Leucospermum. In Australia, Grevillea and  Banksia. (We hope the Leucospermum and Banksia will arrive in July, reserve yours by signing in at our website and adding to your Waitlist.)
Protea, King of flowers, are prized by gardeners and florists alike for the stunning, large, beautifully shaped and coloured flowers that are produced in abundance when grown in their favoured conditions.

 Leucadendron. Stunningly colourful, with each stalk ending in a brightly coloured inflorescence. Leucadendrons usually reach up to approx 1.2-1.8 m high and wide.  Flowers are great for picking and last well in the vase.

Grevillea add winter colour to your garden, flowers appear generally from winter into summer, some varieties' flower year-round. Grevillea varieties include ground covers, small and medium-sized shrubs and striking standards.

Lastly, it was fascinating to learn the connection between plants and mythology. Romans linked their gods to plants and flowers. When Apollo pursues Daphne, her father saves her by turning her into a laurel tree. Apollo in his grief declares, With your leaves, my victors shall wreathe their brows. Daphne is the symbol of immortality, while the laurel symbolizes victory....
Some shrubs and trees ideal for screens, hedge or topiaries adding some colour and perfume in your garden.
Daphne's is that they are winter flowering and will provide colour and fragrance when much of the garden is dormant. From mid-winter on into spring, the shrub produces clusters of small, starry, flowers.
Laurus, This is a top 10 shrub which not only looks good, it tastes good as well! The leathery dark green foliage is highly aromatic and popular for cooking. This same foliage clips extremely well, making the 'Bay' perfect for hedging and topiary work.
Special Bulks Deal
Camellias are remarkably tolerant and adaptable and are invaluable for hedging, screening, background planting. They trim well and can provide flowers from as early as March through to November. Many have a delicate fragrance.
In Mythology the Camellia symbolizes love and devotion and the beauty of the flower has been treasured by couples for centuries. The Chinese believe that the petals reflect the spirit and beauty of a woman.

Thank you for reading, and we look forward to seeing you at Wairere Nursery!
Hasta pronto amigos!!

Cheers from Lloyd, Tony and the Wairere team.

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Last 25 Newsletters...

A frosty week (18th May, 2024)

Proteas and more (11th May, 2024)

Chokos (4th May, 2024)

Viburnums (27th April, 2024)

Rake up those leaves (20th April, 2024)

Things Citrusy (13th April, 2024)

Get harvesting and preserve (6th April, 2024)

Crabapples looking good (29th March, 2024)

Garlic (23rd March, 2024)

Autumn Sale Preview (16th March, 2024)

Orchard planning (9th March, 2024)

Gardens are for play (3rd March, 2024)

Autumnal feel in the air now (24th February, 2024)

Newsletter correction (16th February, 2024)

Welcome back (17th February, 2024)

Thank you (16th December, 2023)

Pot care (9th December, 2023)

Mulch is a must (2nd December, 2023)

Tidy Up Time (25th November, 2023)

Planting now (18th November, 2023)

Waterlilies (11th November, 2023)

Daisies take 1 (4th November, 2023)

Deciduous Azaleas (28th October, 2023)

Labour weekend (21st October, 2023)

roses roses roses (14th October, 2023)

The roses are budding up with this sun (7th October, 2023)

Maples (30th September, 2023)

Happy birthday to you!! (23rd September, 2023)

Blossom time (16th September, 2023)

Birthdays (9th September, 2023)

Tree shapes (1st September, 2023)

Sunshine at last (26th August, 2023)

Supa Size (19th August, 2023)

Size can matter (5th August, 2023)

Signs of Spring (29th July, 2023)

Happy Matariki! (15th July, 2023)

Roses all in order (8th July, 2023)

What it takes to produce a rose. (1st July, 2023)

It's all in the name (24th June, 2023)

Rose's, tree's and more.. (17th June, 2023)

Its all about roses (10th June, 2023)

Whats in a Standard (3rd June, 2023)

To Hedge or not (27th May, 2023)

..... Proteaceae Family

Baby bear, Itty Bit, Little Gem (13th May, 2023)

Species Camellias and more (6th May, 2023)

Its all Lemons and Hiemalis this week (29th April, 2023)

Sasanqua and Oranges (22nd April, 2023)

Mandarins (15th April, 2023)

Citrus (7th April, 2023)

Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: