PAGE 1 2 3 4 ALL aka Upright Hornbeam An upright narrow form of Hornbeam with oval ribbed green leaves that have good autumn colour, eventually turning brown. The leaves often remain on the tree for quite some time over winter. The tree will gradually broaden with age. Attractive catkins Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata Current Stock Height: 160/180 cm ? Container: 6l ? $29.99 Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata Current Stock Height: 150/200 ? Container: 8l ? $74.99 Carpinus Betulus Fastigiata Current Stock Height: 220/240 cm ? Container: 13l ? $79.99 aka Toon Tree The 'Toon' tree is all about the fabulous foliage which emerges in early spring. Initially the leaves are bright shrimp pink, gradually turning to bright green. Strong upright growth. Protect from wind. Deciduous. Cedrela Sinensis Flamingo Expected Stock Height: 210/250 cm ? THIS ITEM MAY REQUIRE TRUCK DELIVERY, SEE TERMS aka Katsura Tree One for the connoisseur. A delightful pendulous deciduous tree with fresh green rounded foliage that turns shades of smoky pink and butter yellow in autumn. Also at this time of year the tree gives off a sweet spicy fragrance that some folk say smells like burnt sugar! Definitely a sweetie.
Cercidiphyllum J Pendulum H/W Current Stock Height: STD-170/ HGT-180cm ? Container: pb18 ? $99.99 THIS ITEM MAY REQUIRE TRUCK DELIVERY, SEE TERMS aka Katsura tree A special deciduous tree with aromatic foliage. The emerging spring leaves are shaded in tones of reddish-bronze before turning a deep green over summer. The leaves are heart shaped and neatly arranged in pairs on multi-stemmed branches. Fantastic autumn colours before leaf fall. Deciduous.
Cercidiphyllum Japonicum Current Stock Height: 340/370 cm ? Container: 8l ? $69.99 THIS ITEM MAY REQUIRE TRUCK DELIVERY, SEE TERMS aka English Hawthorn English Hawthorn. A hardy and robust tree with dark green indented foliage and branches that are laden with little, deep rose red flowers in spring. The flowers are followed by red berries much loved by birds. Happiest in the sun. Deciduous. Est.10yr.growth.
Crataegus Pauls Scarlet Expected Stock Height: 260/330 cm ? THIS ITEM MAY REQUIRE TRUCK DELIVERY, SEE TERMS aka Pink Hawthorn Pink Hawthorn. Great masses of double, delightful, fragrant pink blooms put on a showy display in late spring. The flowers eventually turn into red berries in the autumn. In the meantime you have an easily grown hardy specimen tree that can be used for shelter as it is wind tolerant. Deciduous. Crataegus Rosea Flore Pleno Current Stock Height: 170/190 ? Container: 13l ? $74.99 THIS ITEM MAY REQUIRE TRUCK DELIVERY, SEE TERMS aka NZ Tree fuchsia NZ Fuchsia also known as Kotukutuku. Considered the world’s largest fuchsia. Attractive, small flowers between August and December. They change from greenish-yellow to purple-red.The flowers are rich in nectar and visited by honey-eating birds, especially tuī, bellbirds and silvereyes.
Fuchsia excorticata Expected Stock Height: 20 cm Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock. aka Jacaranda This specimen tree from Brazil is a visual delight when in full flower. In late spring-summer masses of mauve-blue tubular flowers smother the tree followed by decorative seed pods. The ferny green foliage is semi-evergreen when temperatures are cool. Protect from frost. Jacaranda Mimosifolia Expected Stock Height: 50/60 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of April, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Jacaranda Mimosifolia Expected Stock Height: 80/90 cm ? New stock expected Beginning of March, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price $39.99. Payment on order.
aka Golden rain tree This is a small, open branched, deciduous tree with a rounded crown. Leaves emerge pinkish bronze to purplish in spring, mature to a bright green in summer and turn yellow in fall. Bright yellow flowers appear early summer an change to brown, papery seed capsules which resemble Chinese lanterns. Koelreuteria paniculata Current Stock Height: 180/200 cm ? Container: 13l ? $79.99 aka Golden Chain Tree Golden Chain Tree. Glossy green foliage set off with 60cm long racemes of fragrant golden yellow
flowers in late spring. Very showy and well worth giving a special place in the garden. Easy to grow in most soils as long as they are not too dry in summer. Deciduous. Est.10yr.growth.
Laburnum Watereri Vossii Expected Stock Height: 80/100 cm ? New stock expected Middle of July, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 10m x 8m
Leaves: Deciduous, Red
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 4m x 3m
New stock expected Middle of July, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
This is a special feature tree with branches that cascade gently to the ground - exceptionally lovely and rarely available. Even looks good bare which is more than I can say for some!
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 2.5m x 1.5m
This tree will grow in sun or part shade and prefers a rich soil that does not completely dry out in summer.
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 7m x 5m
Crataegus are in the same plant family as Roses - Rosacea - you'll be able to tell that when you look closely at the flowers.
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 4m x 3.5m
New stock expected Middle of July, 2025. Waitlist now. Estimated price TBA. Payment on order.
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 6m x 4.5m
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 12m x 8m
Jacarandas like a warm sheltered position and well drained soil. In their native Brazil they are considered a tropical evergreen and in NZ they grow really well in warmer parts of the country like the Bay of Plenty. They can be grown in cooler areas if protected from frost whilst young.
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Semi-Evergreen, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 7m x 5m
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 12m x 12m
Habit: Upright
Leaves: Deciduous, Green
Mature Size 7-10 yrs (HxW): 3m x 2m
HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: