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Saturday 16th March, 2024

Autumn and Easter are early this year.
Easter seems really early this year with Good Friday being the 29th of March and Easter Monday on the 1st of April. Having said that, Autumn seems early in general as well. Perhaps it's just the darker mornings and cooler evenings along with the regular rain that we have had recently.
There is no doubt about it: Autumn is one of the best seasons for planting all manner of plants due to ground being warm and moist. If you can find what you are after, then get planting. 
Wairere's Autumn sale is also early this year!
It's that time of year that we need to clear some stock and make way for the new season roses and trees that are now imminent. We thought that we would promote what's on offer here, to all of you in our own database, prior to the radio advertising which is due to start shortly. Below is the short list of what is on offer, but I am sure that as the team assess our stock they will add to the sales area and include other lines.
Roses all now half price.
These are in great condition and looking amazing having been fed, sprayed and dead headed all season. There is still quite a selection of roses and I'm sure we have something for everyone. The numbers are getting down, so if you are ordering online then do please have some second choices up your sleeve.
Camellias. All varieties that were $42.99 are now just $35.00 each
Great plants and in fabulous condition having been kept fed and tipped all season. They are now tall and bushy so if you are looking to plant a camellia hedge, these are a wonderful deal for you. Sometimes a shrubbery is all one needs and these will suit that too. Sasanquas can also be trained to create a small evergreen tree, or if inclined, get the shears out and espalier. It's all over to you...
The $42.99 range is not limited to Sasanquas but all Camellias of that price which includes the Japonicas and other species. Look online or call out to the nursery. 
Check out the Sasanqua Early pearly which is a fav being a formal double in pure white and usually one of the early ones to start flowering in the Autumn.
Beatrice Emily is another lovely Sasanqua. This one has blooms that are mostly white but shaded softly with mauve pink at the edges.
Setsugekka makes for a classic hedge with that dark green leaf. Again Autumn flowering with single large white flowers. 
Silver column has small single white flowers and an attractive dark green leaf that has a slight curl to it. An upright form perfectly suited to hedging.
Azaleas of the evergreen kind, now 25% off.
Great for that dappled light or semi shaded garden areas and make for good fillers. Evergreen Azaleas on the whole will grow to approx one metre square and will benefit from trimming after flowering. Give them a sheltered spot with a slightly acidic soil and they will reward you with abundant, colourful blooms in shades of white, pink, orange or red over a long flowering period. 
Grevilleas: those that remain in store are all 25% off
Grevilleas are mostly of Aussie origin and suit that full-sun-poor-soil kind of position. They range from ground covers to shrubs to those that are tree like. These hardy plants are evergreen and they start flowering in winter, just when the garden most needs a bit of colour. They are generally easy to grow, but be aware: there are some varieties that don't like frost.
Fruit and ornamental trees from $30
I know that the guys have taken out of stock quite a lot of these trees as we can't carry them for another year. Nothing wrong with them, but just need planting out. Now these are no longer in stock and so not available online which means that you will have to come out and see what is there on offer. Bring a trailer if you want a few.
Perennials end of season clear out. These have all been put out at half price.
This includes lavenders (all that are left in stock), Armerias, Campanulas, Delphiniums, Geraniums and more. These need to go in the ground now. So probably best to come in and choose them for yourself and experience that little thrill of finding yourself some bargains.
Easter weekend hours so there is no confusion
Good Friday (29/3) we will be closed, but that is the only day.
We will be open on Saturday, Sunday and Easter Monday our usual hours of 8.30am to 5.00 pm.
Dispatch will close a day early on the week beginning Monday 25th of March, because it's a short delivery week (Friday being a holiday).
Don't forget the annual Art and design trail is coming up on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of April. Hours 10am to 4pm. This is a free event and trail maps will be available from the nursery and various other venues in Gordonton. Artists will have work for sale and will accept both cash sales and bank transfers. Our own Anthony Skinner will be participating.
Where did that summer go? In a couple of weeks it will be one of the last long weekends for a while, Daylight saving ends and we will truly be into the Autumn.
Have a fab weekend.
Cheers Lloyd, Tony and the Wairere team.

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Last 25 Newsletters...

A frosty week (18th May, 2024)

Proteas and more (11th May, 2024)

Chokos (4th May, 2024)

Viburnums (27th April, 2024)

Rake up those leaves (20th April, 2024)

Things Citrusy (13th April, 2024)

Get harvesting and preserve (6th April, 2024)

Crabapples looking good (29th March, 2024)

Garlic (23rd March, 2024)

..... Autumn Sale Preview

Orchard planning (9th March, 2024)

Gardens are for play (3rd March, 2024)

Autumnal feel in the air now (24th February, 2024)

Newsletter correction (16th February, 2024)

Welcome back (17th February, 2024)

Thank you (16th December, 2023)

Pot care (9th December, 2023)

Mulch is a must (2nd December, 2023)

Tidy Up Time (25th November, 2023)

Planting now (18th November, 2023)

Waterlilies (11th November, 2023)

Daisies take 1 (4th November, 2023)

Deciduous Azaleas (28th October, 2023)

Labour weekend (21st October, 2023)

roses roses roses (14th October, 2023)

The roses are budding up with this sun (7th October, 2023)

Maples (30th September, 2023)

Happy birthday to you!! (23rd September, 2023)

Blossom time (16th September, 2023)

Birthdays (9th September, 2023)

Tree shapes (1st September, 2023)

Sunshine at last (26th August, 2023)

Supa Size (19th August, 2023)

Size can matter (5th August, 2023)

Signs of Spring (29th July, 2023)

Happy Matariki! (15th July, 2023)

Roses all in order (8th July, 2023)

What it takes to produce a rose. (1st July, 2023)

It's all in the name (24th June, 2023)

Rose's, tree's and more.. (17th June, 2023)

Its all about roses (10th June, 2023)

Whats in a Standard (3rd June, 2023)

To Hedge or not (27th May, 2023)

Proteaceae Family (20th May, 2023)

Baby bear, Itty Bit, Little Gem (13th May, 2023)

Species Camellias and more (6th May, 2023)

Its all Lemons and Hiemalis this week (29th April, 2023)

Sasanqua and Oranges (22nd April, 2023)

Mandarins (15th April, 2023)

Citrus (7th April, 2023)

Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: